Interested in transitioning all or portions of your land
into natural native habitat for conservation purposes?
There are numerous options available to convert ag land into natural habitat. In addition, if you own land that is currently enrolled in some form of easement or program, you may be eligible for additional programs through the Department of Natural Resources or your local USDA/NRCS & Soil & Water offices.
Blue Earth County Soil & Water: 507-345-4744 – Blue Earth County Soil & Water
Blue Earth County USDA Service Center: 507-345-4651
Minnesota DNR New Ulm Regional Office: 507-223-1200 or use the office locator: Office Locator | Minnesota DNR (
Please see below for a partial list of the many options that are available – follow the various links for additional information.
Sell Your Land
If you are interested in determining if selling your land for conservation purposes is right for you, we would welcome your call. In some instances, selling your land for conservation purposes may be a good fit for you. Minnesota Pheasants, Inc., and our partners (MN DNR, U.S. Fish & Wildlife, Pheasants Forever, Ducks Unlimited the Nicollet County Conservation Club and others) may be interested in acquiring your land. Depending on the number of acres, type and location, your land could offer potential enhanced conservation benefits as well as a perpetual legacy.
All land types are considered but highly erodible and marginal land is often preferred. Wetlands are generally welcome due to the important nature of their function in our ecosystem.
If you would like to discuss the sale of your land in the Blue Earth County area for conservation purposes, please give us a call at 507-479-1232 or email us at Or, alternately, contact one of our partners to discuss it with them.
Federal Programs
USDA CRP program: Conservation Reserve Program (
CRP is a land conservation program administered by the Farm Service Agency (FSA). In exchange for a yearly rental payment, farmers enrolled in the program agree to remove environmentally sensitive land from agricultural production and plant species that will improve environmental health and quality. Contracts for land enrolled in CRP are from 10 to 15 years in length.
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Conservation Easements
Wetland Easements – Wetland Easements | U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (
In the United States, the Prairie Pothole Region is located within the northern Great Plains in parts of Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Characterized by thousands of shallow wetlands known as potholes, the Prairie Pothole Region provides habitat for globally significant populations of breeding waterfowl. In addition, the Prairie Pothole Region is important as breeding and migratory habitat for many species of grassland and wetland-dependent birds.
Grassland Easements – Grassland Easements | U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (
In the United States, the Prairie Pothole Region is located within the northern Great Plains in parts of Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Characterized by thousands of shallow, glacially formed wetlands known as potholes, the Prairie Pothole Region provides habitat for globally significant populations of breeding waterfowl. In addition, the Prairie Pothole Region is important as breeding and migratory habitat for many species of grassland and wetland-dependent birds.
State of Minnesota Programs
MN CREP – Minnesota CREP – Blue Earth Soil & Water ( & Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program ( & Producer (
Minnesota Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) is a voluntary, federal-state funded natural resource conservation program that uses a science-based approach to target environmentally sensitive land. Landowners will enter into a 15 year Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) contract, administered by the USDA-Farm Service Agency (FSA), and a Reinvest in Minnesota (RIM) perpetual conservation easement administered by the Minnesota Board of Soil and Water Resources (BWSR). Participants will receive financial incentives for both the CRP and RIM contracts for removing cropland from agricultural production and converting the land to native grasses, trees, and other native vegetation.
Reinvest in Minnesota (RIM) – Reinvest in Minnesota – Blue Earth Soil & Water ( & Reinvest in Minnesota Overview | MN Board of Water, Soil Resources (
In 1986, the Reinvest in Minnesota Resources Act was enacted to restore certain marginal and environmentally sensitive agricultural land to protect soil and water quality and support fish and wildlife habitat.
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Walk In Access Program – Program information | Minnesota DNR ( & Enroll land | Minnesota DNR (
Providing up to $18 per acre annual payment, the Walk-In Access (WIA) program provides public hunting opportunities on private land that is already enrolled in existing conservation programs or lands with high quality natural cover. WIA program is voluntary for landowners. Most landowners chose to enroll their property for two or three years. Enrolled lands are covered under the Minnesota recreational use laws that limit landowners’ liability. DNR conservation officers handle trespass and hunting violations. Enrollees are able to discontinue enrollment at any time – there is no long-term requirement. – fact sheet – WIA-Facts-15.indd (
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Land Donations – Land donation | Minnesota DNR (
To conserve and enhance Minnesota resources by encouraging landowners to donate full or partial (easement) interest in property to the Department of Natural Resources or other tax-exempt organizations. Certain donations may qualify for the RIM match program providing a 50% cash match to your donation. Contact your local DNR office for additional information. In our region (Southern – Region 4), contact the New Ulm DNR Administrative Office at 507-233-1200.
Contact Us
This is by no-means a complete list of available alternatives. If you are interested in examining alternative ideas on the use of your land, please give us a call or shoot us an email – 507-479-1232 or
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Minnesota Pheasants, Inc. - PO Box 202, 401 Chapel Street - Good Thunder, Minnesota 56037
Are you interested in making a difference? Our projects provide permanent public access to native grass, wetlands, woods and beautiful vistas. Everything we do is intended to offer future generations opportunities to experience natural habitat and the wildlife that live there.
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Minnesota Pheasants, Inc. - A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Conservation Organization - Privacy Statement
Federal EIN: 41-1597196 Minnesota EIN: 4854207